Online Therapy
Quality care from the comfort of home!
Therapy Services
Experience the best of both worlds; collaborate with a seasoned therapist and enjoy the flexibility and convenience of online services!
Create more fulfilling relationships and improve confidence, family connection, and communication.
Our services are respectful of your history, are highly collaborative, and uniquely tailored to your values and needs. This active approach helps you gain insight, develop practical solutions, and make lasting improvements. Sessions utilize strategies backed by researched and evidence-based treatments.
Go from 'surviving to thriving' with Myers Family Therapy!
The Details
Services are available to adults, couples, and families
Therapy services are only available to those living in California or Puerto Rico at this time. For residents of other states, please see the Life Coaching tab.
Appointments are provided through an online platform utilizing confidential face-to-face video conferencing.
Contact us for a free consultation to learn more about online therapy and determine if it’s right for you.